Common Questions About Jesus for New Believers
As a new believer, you probably have lots of questions about Jesus. Who really was this miracle man and savior of the whole world? What does the Bible tell us about Jesus’ life and His character?
There’s nothing wrong with having questions about Jesus because even those who were with Him had a lot of questions about who He was and what He was doing. If Jesus could handle His disciples’ questions, He most certainly can handle your questions too.
These 10 Common Questions About Jesus for New Believers will open your eyes to understanding more about who He really is.
10 Common questions about Jesus
Having questions shows a curiosity to understand heavenly things which truly are the most important things for us to dig into. The Word of God tells us the world we live in and all the earthly things we have are temporary. Only God’s kingdom will remain.
Now let’s look at some Common Questions About Jesus for New Believers.
1. Did Jesus really exist?
Yes! This is quite an interesting question. Jesus Christ is perhaps the most famous person to walk this earth. Evidence that He was a living breathing human just like you and me is accounted for both in the Bible AND other sources.
Besides Jesus’ life being documented in the New Testament Gospels by His disciples as well as by Paul, there are other Jewish and Roman historians, as well as dozens of Christian writings who testify of His existence.
If you are wondering, no not all documented accounts of Jesus were written by Christians. The first non-Christian writer to talk about Jesus was the Jewish historian Flavius Josephus who referred to Christ in his history of Judaism “Jewish Antiquities” from AD 93.
A Roman politician, Tacitus wrote that Jesus was executed while Pontius Pilate was the Roman prefect in charge of Judaea (AD26-36) and Tiberius was emperor (AD14-37) and these reports fit with the timeframe of the gospels. Pliny, who was also governor in Asia Minor, wrote letters to Emperor Trajan around AD 112 describing Christians worshipping Jesus as God.
Not sure if this is true, check the sources for yourself. In fact, checking the facts isn’t just something you could do, but rather I encourage you, you should do.
Finding out the truth for yourself is both eye opening and life changing. This was a pivotal part of my journey of faith in Jesus. I needed to know that He was real, and God is gracious enough to give us just enough evidence on the pages of history to know without a doubt.
2. What does “Jesus saves” mean?
You may occasionally see the phrase “Jesus Saves” on t-shirts or an occasional bumper sticker, but what does it really mean? And what does Jesus save us from?
The Bible says we are all sinners in Romans 3:23 (ESV), “for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” Sin separated us from God who is Holy and Righteous. When God looked at us, He saw sin and no matter what we did we could never pay the penalty of our sins.
In the Old Testament, there was a high priest who used to make sacrifices for people’s sins through the blood of an animal, but this was temporary and had to be done over and over again.
Through God’s mercy, He sent Jesus to be the final sacrifice for our sins. Jesus was a blameless, perfect man who willingly died in our place to take away our sins forever. As God’s son, Christ Jesus is the only one who was able and qualified to do that, and that’s why He was sent by our Heavenly Father.
Jesus paid the price for all of our sins. Every sin you have committed in the past and every mistake you will make far in the future is wiped clean through Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross. All you need to do is accept His free and incomparable gift.
John 3:16 is one of the most popular Bible verses and is central to our faith as Christians. God sent his Son Jesus Christ to die for all of us and if we believe in Him, He will save us from perishing, from eternal pain and eternal death caused by sin. He has done that and secured eternal life for us.
The purpose of Jesus Christ’s coming was to bridge that gap and reconcile us to God. After Jesus Christ there is no other sacrifice required for our sins, we are saved and can live forever in freedom.
We are not saved by our own good works but only by the grace of God through Jesus.
3. How can I be saved by Jesus Christ?
The word of God gives us clear instructions on how to be saved. You have to confess it with your mouth and accept Jesus Christ into your heart by faith.
This declaration should be done publicly before witnesses. While you may want to be a secret disciple of Jesus Christ like Nicodemus, Jesus instructs us to acknowledge Him before others.
Jesus plainly said, “So everyone who acknowledges me before men, I also will acknowledge before my Father who is in heaven.”
~Matthew 10:32 ESV
Don’t think confessing with your mouth needs to be something super eloquent or fancy. Jesus just wants you to come to Him authentically and wholeheartedly as you are.
No need to get everything together first. He is with you in all of the mess, not after it’s been cleaned up. Set your broom and pride aside and take the first step of authentic faith.
If the right words just don’t seem to come, use these salvation prayers to get you started in your conversation and commitment to the Lord.
4. Do you have to believe in Jesus to go to Heaven?
Yes, you do have to believe in Jesus Christ to get to Heaven. As the New Testament church, Jesus Christ came to save us so we could have access to a relationship with God. He is not a way to Heaven, but He is the only way to heaven.
Jesus Christ is the door that leads us to spiritual security and eternal life. We cannot enter by any other way to go to heaven except through Him. He is the only one who lived a sinless life, and the death of Jesus provided the perfect sacrifice for our sins to be forgiven forever.
He is alive today because He conquered death and is the only one with the power to give us eternal life.
In short, because Jesus Christ is the only way to salvation and salvation is the only way to eternal life, this makes Him the only way to Heaven.
Many people think “if I am a good person I will go to Heaven.” The mistake in this type of thinking is what is “good” and who decides this? How good is good enough?
The “good person goes to Heaven” theory would mean you have to somehow earn your way there. But God has given us a better way-a free gift of salvation through Jesus that you could never earn. Learn more on why simply being a good person doesn’t mean you go to Heaven here.
5. What was Jesus like when he lived on earth?
Jesus loved all people including those who were the outcasts of society, the physically and mentally sick and the culturally & spiritually poor.
Jesus’ ministry included performing numerous miracles such as healing those who were ill, walking on water, calming a storm with a simple command, turning water into wedding wine, deliverance from evil spirits, and bringing people who had died back to life.
Some of the things Jesus did made people doubt who He really was. He is the best kind of rebel with a cause. He is the King of kings, yet He ruled in a different way people couldn’t or didn’t want to understand.
He was humble and caring and the religious leaders in His time struggled to accept His ways of rulership because they were radically unique and undeniably effective.
He was a great teacher who taught His disciples and those who followed Him many important lessons about the Kingdom of God through Parables. He taught us many things among them forgiveness, prayer, trusting in God, courage, respect, honor, and giving.
The greatest commandment He taught us was to love God and love people as we love ourselves.
6. What does it mean to have a personal relationship with Jesus?
Having a personal relationship with Jesus simply put is being His friend. Close relationships require real connection. Being close to Jesus means opening your heart to His Word and His Ways. A true relationship requires honesty and effort.
When you’re in a relationship with Jesus, He accepts you as you are with all your imperfections and loves you completely. You in turn accept Him for who He is- the Savior of the whole world and the good shepherd who laid down His life for us as His sheep.
A relationship with Jesus truly is life-transforming. It involves listening to Jesus’ words which are found in The Word and applying them to your everyday life. The more you know Him personally through your individual connection, the more you understand His grace and compassion and want to walk in His Ways.
7. Why do I want to have Jesus in my life?
People often have this misconstrued illusion of what your life is like if you are a Christian. Often times we are viewed as stuffy, boring robots who believe in some ancient book that has no relevance now.
But in fact, it couldn’t be more opposite. A life in relationship with Jesus is anything but boring and the inspired Word of God transcends culture and time.
Jesus came to give us a genuinely fulfilled and deeper life. Other translations use the words a more abundant life or, a more rich and satisfying life.
Whatever the wording, Jesus wants to walk with us to give us a life that is more fulfilling than anything this world could offer. There is only one way to find out if it’s true. Let Him in and give a relationship with Jesus a try.
As Christ followers, we also receive benefits called the fruit of the spirit. The fruit produced in our lives through God’s Spirit who lives in us looks like love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, and self-control.
Because of Jesus, we experience joy no matter our circumstances, patience when it doesn’t make sense, and peace in the midst of the chaos. The fruit of the spirit begins to transform you in ways that are simply unexplainable.
A life with Jesus has more meaning and purpose that reaches far beyond just these benefits and surpasses just today. It impacts your life for eternity.
Jesus Christ is the only way to Heaven and when you accept Him as your Lord and Savior, you will one day experience eternal life. The purpose of Jesus Christ’s coming to the world was to save you and to bridge the gap between God and people.
God wanted you and accepted you through Jesus Christ. Through Him, you can experience God’s kingdom both now and forever.
8. Did Jesus really die and then come back to life?
Yes! The four Gospels which were written by four of Jesus’ disciples gives us an eye-witness account of both the crucifixion and the resurrection.
The moment Jesus died on the cross is recorded in all four gospels. There were many eyewitnesses present when He died, many of which who did not believe He was who He said He was.
Many Roman soldiers were present and continued to mock Him as He hung, suffering beyond comprehension. After Jesus breathed His last, one soldier pierced Jesus’ side to make sure He was in fact, dead.
Jesus Christ gave up His spirit which means He died willingly. He had the power to stop His death, but He knew He needed to die to fulfill the scriptures that He was the Messiah and Savior of the whole world. The soldiers pierced Jesus to really prove that He was dead.
Despite the security at the gate with the guard and the sealing of the tomb with a stone, Jesus still made His miraculous reentry into the world. The disciples of Jesus Christ found an empty tomb when they came to check on Him. The clothing Jesus was laid to rest in was all there, but His body was not.
“and that he appeared to Cephas, and then to the Twelve. After that, he appeared to more than five hundred of the brothers and sisters at the same time, most of whom are still living, though some have fallen asleep. Then he appeared to James, then to all the apostles, and last of all he appeared to me also, as to one abnormally born.”
~1 Corinthians 15:5-8 NIV
The Apostle Paul (who did not believe Jesus was who He said He was until He saw for Himself) tells us here just how many people saw Jesus after His resurrection. Jesus appeared to both His disciples and to some who hadn’t been His followers.
Jesus walked with people and talked with people. He ate with His friends and gave them direction as to what to do after He ascended to Heaven. After He came back to life, He stayed on earth for 40 days before His ascension.
10. Is Jesus God?
Yes, Jesus is God. Jesus’ identity has led to a lot of questions in the Christian faith. He is fully God as well as fully man, something that’s not so easy to comprehend.
The Word of God refers to Him as the Son of God, God’s Son, The Son of man, Son of the Living God, Lord, Beloved Son, and Only Begotten Son. This is who He is and so much more.
In the same manner that you can be a mom, sister, friend, and colleague, God exists as One with three parts. There’s God the Father, the Son, and Holy Spirit. Christ Jesus is God’s Son.
In John’s Gospel, we find a few Bible verses which help us answer this question.
“I and the Father are one.”
~ John 10:30 ESV
Jesus’ response to His disciples shows that we may think of Him as being less than the Father, but they are one. They have different roles, but they are both filled to the measure of the fullness of God.
“No one has seen God [His essence, His divine nature] at any time; the [One and] only begotten God [that is, the unique Son] who is in the intimate presence of the Father, He has explained Him [and interpreted and revealed the awesome wonder of the Father].”
~John 1:18 AMP
It takes faith to understand and believe that when we see Jesus Christ we see God. He is the very essence and nature of the Father.
Jesus is God because He can do all the things God does such as having the power of God to heal, perform miracles and raise people from the dead. He could forgive sins, and He has the authority to judge the nations.
10. What does Jesus do for us now?
He continues His work as the King of kings and our High Priest. He is seated at God’s right hand and all authority has been given to Him so He reigns.
As our High Priest, he intercedes on our behalf, bringing our requests and needs to God. He saves us completely from eternal punishment and remains the only way to the Heavenly Father.
“Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God.”
~Colossians 3:1
When you’re a new believer you may have a long list of questions about Jesus Christ, about God, and about Christianity and that’s such a good thing! Seeking the answers to your questions helps you find the truth and grow in faith.
Even if you have raw questions or doubts, it’s okay. Seek a good Bible-based teacher, leader, or pastor to find the answers you need. And of course, read your Bible. The source of Truth itself. Get yourself a good study Bible, which will help so much in understanding what God’s Word has to say.
Often, we have such big misconceptions about who Jesus really is. Our view of Him can be skewed by traditions and religion and preconceived notions from the world. It is so important to seek the truth so you can experience His grace and fulfillment both now and forever.