5 Best Must-Have Bible Study Tools for Beginners
Are you looking for some helpful Bible study tools to get you started reading the Bible? If you’ve never opened or owned a Bible, it can be intimidating to know where to start.
With endless options for translations and types of Bibles, it’s easy to get discouraged before you even start. Preparing yourself with the right resources can make all the difference when you are first diving into God’s Word.
These basic Bible study tools will help transform your attitude towards reading the Bible and will help to make it so much easier to understand.
When we start to understand what God has to say to us through the stories recorded in the Bible, we can begin to apply His truth to our everyday life. With the best Bible study tools, you will discover different ways to connect with the good news God has in store for you.
Must-Have Bible Study Tools for Beginners
Having the right Bible study resources will help you get to know the Bible better much faster and easier. You will feel more confident the more you dig in and start using these easy tools! Whether you are looking for tools to help with personal study or for use in a small group, these resources are sure to be a great tool for you!
Bible Study Tool # 1-A Study Bible
A study Bible is the best place to start when looking for helpful tools. Your new study Bible will likely become your new best friend.
A study Bible typically has the verses at the top of the page and a breakdown of the verses at the bottom for better comprehension and understanding. Study Bibles typically include different resources like notes, book intros, backgrounds of people, and so much more!
Study Bibles come in different translations, styles, and formats tailored to more specific needs. You can find study Bibles made specifically for women or geared toward spiritual growth. Other types of study Bibles include life-application or with study notes written by a certain author or group of writers.
If you are having a hard time figuring out what a verse means, you don’t have to look much further. The breakdown of verses will clarify context and meaning for you right on the same page!
Study Bibles include so much useful information to help you understand and will make your Bible reading and understanding so much easier!
What are some features to look for in a Study Bible?
- Verse explanations and study notes
- Book intros
- Diagrams
- Maps
- Cross references
- Dictionaries
- Concordance
- Timelines
- Family trees
- Topical articles
- Wide margins for Bible journaling
- Bible study guide
Bible Study Tool # 2-A Bible App
While a regular Bible certainly holds a great purpose, there are times a mobile version is just a little more suitable. We are constantly connected to our devices which means we can also be constantly connected to God’s Word!
What are the benefits of using a Bible App?
- Easily navigate from book to book or chapter to chapter
- Discover different translations
- Compare verses in different translations
- See books of the Bible in chronological order to help learn to navigate through the Bible
It’s quite convicting (in a good way) when we have to make the choice of which app to tap our little finger on. Here are a few top Bible apps with tons of options for tools and resources right inside each app.
- Youversion Bible App http://youversion.com
- -Bible Gateway biblegateway.com
- -Blue Letter Bible http://blueletterbible.org
- -She Reads Truth http://www.shereadstruth.com/
Bible Study Tool # 3-Journal, Pen, & Highlighters
This sounds simple, but being able to stay organized with our studying will make a difference. I am notorious for making notes all over the place. A post-it here, a scribble on a ripped open envelope there.
Maybe you are much more organized than I am, but keeping all my thoughts and ah ha’s in one place makes it easier to look back and remember the Truths I have learned from God’s Word.
Along with a study Bible, I keep my journal tucked in my purse, so I have it with me when I have a thought or a few spare minutes to do a little reading. I love to keep track of new verses and important information I find while I am reading. The best part is to look back at the little gems I find or the revelations I have.
This sounds simple, but being able to stay organized with our studying will make a difference. Highlighting our favorite verses in our Bibles and keeping our notes all in one place will help us retain what we read!
Bible Study Journal and pen
It’s amazing how quickly we forget what we read or the revelations we have. Writing these down and keeping them tucked safely all in one place not only gives us a good reminder when we look back but will help us remember when we write out verses and thoughts.
Research actually shows us this. The task of physically putting our own personal penmanship to the paper trains our brains to retain that information. When what we read or see is processed in our brains and then written in our own words we are more likely to remember.
But just in case you don’t remember or need that little reminder, our handy little journals will be there to refresh our memories.
Highlighters can take our studying to the next level. Just like writing verses down, highlighting verses is the easiest way to help in remembering both when we read and when we go back to reread something that stood out to us.
There are some great options for highlighters specifically made for the Bible. Bibles typically have super thin pages which a traditional highlighter might leak through. The special Bible highlighters have more of a crayon consistency that won’t leak through the page or leave a wet streak that smudges or needs to dry.
While you certainly can write or make notes directly in your Bible, a journal often gives you more space for your thoughts. However, if you do want to make note of verses you love right in your Bible, highlighting will help to record and remember right at the source.
Bible Study Tool # 4-A Bible Dictionary
Whether you are new to the Bible or not, some of the words and names used in The Word can be a little intimidating and hard to understand. Old Testament and New Testament words in the original Hebrew and Greek text sometimes translate a little confusing in different languages.
Thankfully we do have solid modern translations that are much easier for us modern-day not-so-scholars to understand. I don’t know too many people (or any) that speak Greek or Hebrew so thank God for NIV, CSB, and ESV to keep us in the Scripture loop.
Even with exceptional modern-day translations, we still need a little help with the meanings of words and names. This is where a Bible dictionary is super handy and a great place to find the meaning of biblical words. While you can go to good ole’ Google to find definitions, an actual Bible dictionary can be helpful and ensure accuracy.
Bible dictionaries often contain concepts, places, plants, animals, and names in much more depth than the internet may.
For example, I was looking for a clearer understanding of a yoke mentioned in Mathew 11:29. While a regular internet search will give you a good picture of what a yoke looks like and is used for, a Bible dictionary will give you a further description and how it ties into the Bible.
Many Bibles do contain a small dictionary in the back, which is a great feature to look for in a Bible, and one I have used often in mine. However, it is limited and doesn’t list every word and definition you may be seeking clarity on.
If your Bible doesn’t have a dictionary or you are just seeking a clearer understanding of words in the Bible, a Bible dictionary will be your go-to.
- Bible Study Dictionaries:
- Vine’s Complete Expository Dictionary
- Tyndale Bible Dictionary
- Zondervan Illustrated Bible Dictionary
- Expository Dictionary of Bible Words
- The New Strong’s Complete Dictionary of Bible Words
Bible Study Tool # 5-A Bible Reading Plan
So now you have a study Bible or app, a journal, pen, and highlighter to record what Scripture speaks to you, and a Bible dictionary to help clarify words you don’t understand, but now where do you start reading?
If you are new to the Bible you may feel lost when trying to figure out where to start. This is where a Bible reading plan comes into play.
Selecting a Bible reading plan will help give you direction in your reading and studying, and when you have direction, you are able to jump in with confidence. There are so many reading plans available for free online. The best way to decide which one is to consider what your heart is looking for.
Reading plans come in different formats. Some will focus on one book of the Bible, and some may focus more on a topic. Bible reading plans also cater to different time frames like 30 days in the book of Luke or even completing the Bible in a year.
For example, maybe you are searching for peace in your life and want to know what God’s Word has to say about peace. Search for a Bible reading plan about peace in the Bible. A reading plan about peace will pull verses from all throughout the Bible that will lead you to God’s Truth on what His peace looks like in your life.
Maybe you have heard of the Psalms and are curious about what they are. Search for a Bible reading plan on Psalms and plans will lay out exactly what to read each day.
Having a plan will keep you focused so digging into God’s word doesn’t seem intimidating. Plans definitely take away the uncertainty of not knowing where to start.
While you are reading the plan laid out for you, make sure to keep your journal, pen, and highlighters close by! Here is your opportunity to journal what jumps out at you and process your thoughts or highlight the verses that speak to your heart. Once you start getting inspired by the Bible, you can’t wait to dig into what is next on your Bible reading plan!
Bible Study Tools are a Game Changer!
With all of these simple tools to get you started in your Bible study time, you will be set up for success in starting your Bible reading. Having the right resources can give you the confidence to open your Bible and learn what God’s Word really says and how life-transforming it can be.
You are certain to come a long way in not much time! Keep an open heart and open mind as you get started. The more you read and study, the easier the Bible is to navigate and understand. Have fun in the process as you grow in God’s Word.
Hey, Sweet Friend
Welcome! I’m Ashley, a lover of beauty in all its facets. I am a hairstylist, writer, & girl mom passionate about helping women flourish by seeking beauty beyond the surface. I love to encourage women to create clean & healthy beauty habits & homes grounded in faith and live by my motto…clean, pretty, + simple. I would love for you to join me in your healthy beauty journey!