Bible verses on beauty

How to use SOAP Bible study method with free printable

Are you curious about what the SOAP Bible study method is, and are you looking for resources to help you use it?

The SOAP Bible study method is a structured approach to studying God’s Word and applying the teachings on a daily basis. It’s a great framework for beginners as it’s an easy way to dig deeper and provides a guide to help you understand the word better. 

The Bible is our instruction manual for life as Christians. However, we can’t read it like a novel because it has the power to change us and our situations.

Studying the word of God through this approach is a great way to draw you closer to the Lord and makes the Bible come alive. 

SOAP is an excellent tool to use during Bible study time as it makes your time with God more organized. It’s simple, and powerful and helps you remember God’s teachings and personalize them. 

You can use the SOAP Bible study method both as an individual and it also works in small groups.  

Let’s dig deep and find out what this tool is all about! 

SOAP Bible Study Worksheets

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What is SOAP?

There are different ways to study the Bible which can guide us to know God and ourselves better. One of my favorite bible study methods is the SOAP method. It’s actually an acronym. So, what does it mean? 

SOAP stands for:

S stands for Scripture

O stands for Observation

A stands for Application

P stands for Prayer

When you read the Bible, you can skim over it and miss out on important concepts, ideas, and insights. This tool helps us to slow down and dig deep into God’s word to see what is really being said and how to apply it to our daily lives. 

This simple method is easy to use and helps you to stay focused on the passage of scripture you’re studying. 

How long does the SOAP method of Bible Study take? Depending on the verse you’re reading, it can take 10 minutes or 30 minutes. Don’t rush the process though. 

Allow the Holy Spirit to teach you about his word so you can grow spiritually. Sometimes even one verse can take you 30 minutes to study because the Lord wants to teach you something important. 

Breaking Down SOAP

Now that we understand a bit more about this great tool, let’s take a deep dive into what each letter stands for. 


To get started, you need to read the passage of scripture and write it down in your notebook or the SOAP Bible study worksheets shared at the end of the post. 

Writing helps you reflect on what you’re reading and studying. You also focus better and can start understanding the meaning of the Bible passage. Writing is also good for your brain as it makes you engage with the word of God. 


Next, ask yourself what you notice in the verses you’ve written down. Reading the chapter for context on the scriptures you’re studying is important so that you come up with observations. 

You can ask general and more specific questions such as: 

  • Who wrote the passage and to whom?
  • What phrases stand out for you? What else stood out to you? 
  • What’s the main theme in the passage?
  • Are there any repeated words for emphasis?
  • What does the passage tell you about God, the world, or yourself in a new way? 

Write down the key observations and any ideas and insights you get from the passage in your Bible study notes. 


Now that you’ve read the scripture, think of practical ways you can apply it to yourself. There is power not only in reading the Bible but in applying it in your daily life. 

Is the word of God asking you to change your behavior, take specific actions, believe a promise or something about God, or change your thoughts about a specific area or topic? Start small and with simple steps to apply the Bible in your life. 

Personalizing scripture for yourself helps you meditate on it, remember it, and act on it. 


Prayer should be done both at the beginning and end of your Bible study. You can pray thanking God for His word and the lessons you’ve learned. 

Ask Him to help you apply what you’ve read in the passage. If any sin comes to mind, ask for the Lord’s forgiveness and commit to obeying the word of God. 

You can write your prayer down and pray it out loud too. 

How to Apply SOAP to Your Bible study time

The SOAP approach is a great tool for both beginners and seasoned Bible readers. As Christians, we are all a work in progress and God works in us to grow and become more like Jesus Christ every day. There is always something new we can learn from his word. 

So the question is how do you apply the SOAP method? 

One of the most effective ways to use the method is to make sure you have a Bible reading plan that you can use with it. This could be a plan on a specific topic, a specific character, or a book in the Bible. Plans are usually for a month and give you a passage of scripture to read on a daily basis. 

As you read and study the scriptures in the plan, you can include this approach. It puts structure and focuses your devotion time and makes it more organized. 

SOAP Bible Study Method Example

If you’re learning about this excellent tool for the first time you may need to see a practical way to use it. It helps you gain confidence and traction too. This SOAP Bible Study example will guide you to start using this approach in your daily life too. 


“For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline.”

2 Timothy 1:7 NLT


Paul wrote this letter to Timothy who was his disciple. Timothy was young and possibly had a lot of fears about sharing the Gospel with others or being bold in his faith. 

Paul reminds him that if he experiences fear and timidity, it’s not from God but rather from the enemy of our souls. The Lord only gives us a spirit of power, love, and self-discipline. 


In my life, God is telling me that the spirit of fear is not from him. He wants me to live courageously for him and share the Gospel in any way that l can. I can spread the message of love practically in my home, church, and even through social media posts. 

I have the power of God to overcome any challenges l face in my life. He has also given me self-discipline so l can be successful in everything l do. 


Heavenly Father, thank you for your word which teaches us and changes us. Thank you for supplying us with this simple tool for a much better understanding of your word. Today, l pray that you would help me experience the love, power, and self-discipline from you. Forgive me for being scared. Help me to be courageous and take the steps I need to live in the best way that pleases you. I long to obey your word always and grow in a deeper relationship with you. Amen. 

And that’s it. As you go through the day, the Holy Spirit may reveal more observations and practical ways to apply what you learned. 

Free SOAP Bible Study Printables

To help you get started on using the SOAP method of Bible Study, I have designed these printable worksheets for you. 

Download the free SOAP printable, print it, and add it to your journal or notebook or use them as they are. You can print as many times as you need for your quiet time. 

It’s important to prioritize Bible study time on a daily basis. To be more organized, you can use this printable sheet to guide and support you. 

SOAP Bible Study Method Pin

There are different ways to study the Bible and SOAP is a simple method and a great way to use and alone and in a small group. It’s an intentional, practical, and creative way to prioritize quiet time with the Lord.

You can practice this approach using a SOAP worksheet. This makes the Bible come alive to you. You’ll be able to reflect, remember and apply what you learn from your SOAP study time. 

When you study the Bible as a beginner or seasoned Christian, you will become more spiritually mature and ultimately become more like Jesus Christ. And that’s the goal.

Hey, Sweet Friend

Welcome! I’m Ashley, a lover of beauty in all its facets. I am a hairstylist, writer, & girl mom passionate about helping women flourish by seeking beauty beyond the surface. I love to encourage women to create clean & healthy beauty habits & homes grounded in faith and live by my motto…clean, pretty, + simple. I would love for you to join me in your healthy beauty journey!


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