Beautiful Daily Prayers for Rest and Peace in Your Soul
Are you in need of prayers for rest and peace in your soul?
As busy women, we have a lot on our plates. Between homework and hobbies, cooking and cleaning, chores, marriage and routines, church and work, it’s no wonder we feel tired, overwhelmed, and restless.
Our good deeds may often feel like they go unnoticed, even in our own home, which can way our souls down even more.
Sometimes we are too exhausted to even think of what to pray. While the Holy Spirit knows what is on our hearts, sometimes it is helpful in your prayer life to have the words ready for you.
That’s where these beautiful daily prayers for rest and peace in your soul come in. They allow you to lean on our almighty God and reach out to him to help you create time and space for rest.
On our own, we may never stop and rest so we need supernatural guidance and support to do so.
What is rest and peace for the believer?
Rest is not just stopping working and striving but trusting that God who doesn’t rest will still take care of us when we do. When we rest, our power and energy can be restored and renewed again.
Sleeping and having a well-deserved rest is part of the equation but not all of it. You can rest during the day too when you trust in our Heavenly Father. God’s mercy allows us to be still and creates space for him to speak and use us for his purpose.
“He says, “Be still, and know that I am God;
Psalm 46:10 NIV
I will be exalted among the nations,
I will be exalted in the earth.”
Peace is the supernatural serenity and calmness that comes from the Lord. It’s based on our faith in God and his goodness and grace. According to the Bible, we experience peace even in the middle of life’s storms and troubles.
This is what our Lord Jesus Christ promises us.
“I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.”
John 16:33 ESV
In Mark 4:35-41, Jesus Christ practically showed us how to have rest and peace even during a storm and chaos. He slept through the storm in the boat with his disciples then woke up and calmed the storm.
It may have been a physical storm, but it shows that Jesus who is the same yesterday, today, and forever can calm the emotional, mental, or spiritual storms in your life too.
Why Pray for Rest and Peace For your Soul?
As women, we need to pray for rest and peace because we need God’s help and guidance in this area. Our minds are always working and thinking about our never-ending to-do lists. It makes us worry and become anxious and rest becomes almost impossible.
The fast-paced world we live in rewards productivity and business so we can even feel guilty when we rest. We always feel like we need to be somewhere and do something but we really don’t.
As humans, we have our limits, but we sometimes push those limits and end up exhausted and overwhelmed. Then we miss out on experiencing God’s peace.
The truth is rest and peace go hand in hand. When you have the peace of God and you trust him to guide and support you in every situation and season, you will be able to rest.
Our Heavenly Father is the author of rest. After working for six days to create the entire world, he rested.
“And on the seventh day God finished his work that he had done, and he rested on the seventh day from all his work that he had done.”
Genesis 2:2 ESV
Jesus Christ tells us that rest and peace are found in him. This world is full of troubles and challenges but he holds us in his loving arms and allows us to rest. When we trust him, he fights our battles for us because he loves us as his children.
“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”
Matthew 11:28-30 NIV
What can we learn from Jesus about rest? When he walked on earth, he was a busy man. He had to teach people God’s principles, teach his disciples how to live in a godly manner, heal people and perform many miracles. And he traveled frequently.
Jesus Christ’s mission was to serve and save the entire world and bring salvation to all nations. He was the busiest man of all time. Yet he found time to rest and had peace in his soul. He also encouraged his disciples to rest too.
“Then, because so many people were coming and going that they did not even have a chance to eat, he said to them, “Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest.”
Mark 6:31 NIV
As disciples of Jesus Christ, we can ask him to help us rest too. That’s where having a daily prayer for rest comes in.
The benefit of this Daily Prayer is:
- We show our dependence on God to give us rest and peace for our souls
- It teaches us to prioritize our relationship with God in all circumstances
- It guides us to pray no matter how tired we are. Instead of thinking of what to pray, we just read out the prayer and connect to our dear father.
- Daily prayer lightens the load of our Christian soul. Because we are God’s temple, He wants nothing more than to remove every weight from our suffering souls.
Daily Prayer For Women to find rest & peace in their souls
Our Heavenly Father invites us to come to him in prayer about anything that’s troubling us. We can ask him to help us find rest and peace in our souls too. When we pray to him in faith, along with thanksgiving, he will give us peace that is beyond understanding.
“do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. 7 And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”
Phillipians 4:6-7 ESV
Prayer for rest and peace in your soul
Take time to humble yourself before our eternal Father in this beautiful daily prayer.
Dear God, thank you for the grace and love that you’ve shown me. You are the Most Holy Lord and all power, glory, and honor belongs to you. Nothing is impossible with you.
Thank you for being my Saviour, Redeemer, and friend. I’m grateful for your love which you proved on the cross and that you continue to shower upon me and those close to me.
Today I humble myself before you asking you to help me find rest for my soul.
I am tired and burdened by life’s responsibilities and people’s expectations of me. I find myself worrying about what will happen tomorrow and if everything will work out for me and my family.
But l pray that even as God rested after creating the world, l would rest too. May l be still and know that you are my God. You are for me and with me every day.
I put my life and that of my family and loved ones in your hands, our eternal father. You’re the one who can help us handle life’s challenges. I hold on to your promise that I’m victorious and more than a conqueror.
Today and every day l choose to trust in my Lord Jesus Christ who has overcome the world.
May l experience the peace that surpasses all understanding as l take the step to trust in You. Thank you for hearing me and answering my prayer.
In Jesus’ name l pray. Amen.
Prayer for Taking Time to Rest
This next short prayer is for the woman who feels guilty about taking time to rest. The world today seems to reward the women who can do it all but we are not of this world. We belong to the kingdom of heaven and are children of God. Let’s pray.
Dear Lord thank you for giving us permission to rest. Thank you for being our strength, teacher, and almighty father.
I know that I’ve allowed what the world says to dictate how l live. Forgive me for following the trends of this world. There is true freedom in you O God and l don’t have to be a prisoner of this world and its expectations.
I’ve come to the knowledge of the truth in your word and l choose to follow it. As your child, my soul is allowed to rest and experience peace. Help me to be still with no guilt. May the supernatural peace of God guard my heart and mind so that I’m not anxious about anything.
Thank you for being such a merciful God and for the gift of rest and eternal peace that we only find in you. May Christ teach me to slow down no matter how busy I am and quiet my heart before you.
In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.
Pray This Soul Prayer For Someone Else
As believers in God, we don’t only pray for ourselves but for others too. You may know a sister, friend, daughter, pastor, or other family members who need rest and peace. Take time to pray for them too to experience the fullness of peace in Christ.
O Lord thank you for your tender love towards me and those that are close to me. You are the Lord who delivers us from the world and leads us into eternal life.
Today l want to thank you for ______ (person’s name). They struggle to slow down and rest. I ask that the Holy Spirit would reveal your word to them and lead them to a place of rest and peace for their soul.
Give them peace in life’s storms. They are victorious in you always. May they turn from the standards of this world and turn to God’s mercy where they will live a good life.
May l be able to support them as they obey your word and trust in your power on their eternal journey. Teach them to lay their burdens down before you and let their soul rest.
Lord God, thank you for hearing my heart and for every answered prayer. I long to be a faithful Christian because I am learning your way is the better way.
You lift the weight from our heavy hearts and poor souls through every difficult time. I am so grateful you know us better than we know ourselves and give us your guidance for our own good.
In Jesus name, Amen.
Our loving eternal Father gives us permission to work and rest too. He did the same and will teach us how to rest in him. It takes faith in the Lord and his power to rest.
My prayer is that this would be a new day for you in realizing and accepting rest and peace for your soul. On the days you just can’t put the energy into your own prayers, you can pray these beautiful prayers and allow God’s love and grace to refresh you.
Hey, Sweet Friend!
Welcome! I’m Ashley, a lover of beauty in all its facets. I am a hairstylist, writer, & girl mom passionate about helping women flourish by seeking beauty beyond the surface. I love to encourage women to create clean & healthy beauty habits & homes grounded in faith and live by my motto…clean, pretty, + simple. I would love for you to join me in your healthy beauty journey!
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